
Our technician has got the necessary methodological know-how to realize the self-checking during the production.
In particular he is skilled and abreast of the meaning of the HACCP and Quality systems, of the legally binding and voluntary Quality factory system, as for the microbiology and food hygiene, the knowledge and identification of contamination elements, the self-checking techniques and the data recording.

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Using the Caseificio equipments, our technician can evaluate the safety and conformity of process and agroindustrial products with the corresponding production rules, he can also draw up the pertinent control plan and put forward the check list for the Audit (supervisory inspections).

The equipment of the internal laboratory allows us to find out other types of milk (from cows or goats) and to determine the acidity titrating with sodium hydrate.
To find out different types of milk we use litmus papers that identify easily and quickly traces of cow’s or goat’s milk; if the test is positive, all the production will be marked with a specific lot number and the possible presence of different types of milk will be indicated in the label. At the same time the person in charge of quality will start up a non conformity procedure, as provided by the HACCP plan adopted, to find out the responsible and solve the problem.

From time to time the internal laboratory determines the total bacterial charge and all the coliforms by means of the bacterial counting method on plates; very often too we look for antibiotics and pesticides in the milk.
When milk can easily alter and we produce sizes to be seasoned, we monitor the quality of milk from every breeding through the "resazzurrina test", so that our products can be classified and consequently selected.


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